
My earliest memory of published work was a column about collecting state quarters for my fourth-grade newsletter. At the time, I had no intentions of becoming a writer. In fact, I had decided by seventh grade to become an architect.

After following the passion for many years, it came to a screeching halt when I entered the intensive architecture program at Roger Williams University. As a result, I switched majors and schools and followed the new career of journalism. I found the real passion in my Communication Studies major when discussing interpersonal communication.

Merging the two subjects together, I have found myself at the crossroads of listening to stories of individuals: the homeless, ill, underprivileged, minors and sharing their journey. These are the stories that I'm most proud to tell, not only because I can act as a messenger, but because they have enriched my life with perspectives of which I would not have had access otherwise.

What I can do for you and your publication

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When you give me the opportunity to listen to a story, I produce an article that raises funds or awareness, invokes emotion and resonates with readers. I submerge myself into research behind an article topic to inform the public.

When baby Rogan Paiva's family reached out to promote the fundraiser, I researched his condition and told his journey of his rare brain cancer, flooding my email and voicemail with requests to send money.

When Thomas Cooney contracted multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), I helped his mother raise awareness of the consequences of children contracting COVID-19.

When Mercy Meals and More gave everything to the community of low-income and homeless people but received nothing in return, I helped them begin to raise funds to keep their services in operation through the winter.

I love continuing to tell stories that are unheard of or that could touch many more lives of those struggling. Society has transitioned to this online community that can be brutal but supporting in the worst of times and I'm proud to serve this community.

Awards and Recognition

2021 New England Newspaper and Press Association Better Newspapers Awards

2021 New England Newspaper and Press Association Better Newspapers Awards

2022 Rhode Island Press Association Awards - Newcomers' Guide, RI Monthly